Podcast: Glory School Feb, Pearl Nagy, Practising the Presence


In this fantastic Glory Party Glory School, Pearl shared about practising the presence, drawing some from Brother Lawrence, some from Dr Caroline Leaf, but mostly from her own practical experience and daily life.

God promises to never leave or forsake us, so the main issue is our focus and awareness of His presence that He promises is always with us. Just like anything in life that one wants to master, sometimes one must practice what one desires until it evolves and becomes second nature. A simple turning of ones attention to God’s presence is all that it takes to begin to cultivate this simple pleasure.


Imagine living 24/7 aware of Him all around you. It is a noble goal, and completely achievable.

So get practicing, until it becomes second nature that you are at one with Him all the time.

Enjoy the poddie.

Enjoy: Practising the Presence

Be encouraged. Be empowered. Be delivered.

Glory Company