living in heaven on earth…

About Us

The Glory Company is lead by Matthew and Pearl Nagy, two radical lovers of Jesus Christ who are convinced that it is possible to position oneself to cultivate a 24/7 awareness of God’s promised presence in order to live a supernatural lifestyle wholly sold-out, devoted to God. In fact, the Glory Company’s main purpose and ministry is to help others to realise and achieve the same sold-out, glory-filled lifestyle.

Matthew hails from New York, and Pearl from Mexico. Yet Papa supernaturally brought the two of them together in Texas in order to bring them together for life in the UK, where they now reside with their 4 children, balancing God, family, life, work, and ministry.

Matthew and Pearl were separately, yet simultaneously radically saved in a Damascus road experience in a little church in Horsham, UK. Papa came and met with them in an amazing supernatural way, rescuing Pearl from a lifestyle as a new age ‘witch’, and Matthew from the intellectual atheism that is so rampant in the world as a form of self-centred religion.

During their first 10 years of traditional church,  they quickly grew and rose up to lead various ministries at local church level, including helping to form a monthly spontaneous, prophetic worship event called The Cession. The Cession members and attendees spanned multiple churches across Horsham and West Sussex and accrued a strong following of people who sought more of Papa at any cost. The event encouraged prophetic art and dance, harp and bowl method of worship and intercession (as pioneered by Mike Bickle’s International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOP)), and the prophetic in general: from prophesying specifics one on one or in fire tunnels, to speaking Papa’s heart for the moment into the worship.

As the Cession continued to gather momentum and honour Papa, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and especially after a one-off event sponsored by Spirit, Body, Soul with Emerge Wales called Wildfire Horsham, most of the members of the Cession band began to encounter the glory realm more and more at the events and in their everyday lives. The glory began to come regularly to the Cession events, and then began to show up at Matthew and Pearl’s house meetings on Friday night, which they called Glory School, after Patricia King’s teachings. There were times when tangible clouds formed in the room. Other times where the room would be filled with a sweet heavenly fragrance. Times when they would all feel the presence of angels. And always, the group would pray and prophesy over everyone attending, releasing God’s supernatural power, with miracles following.

Though Papa allowed the Cession to end, as Glory School continued to meet, there was a further increased time of acceleration into the things of the glory and mystic realm. Shortly after, Matthew and Pearl were invited to lead worship at the Ian Clayton Deeper event hosted by Company of Burning Hearts in Wales.

At and after this event, Papa began to speak to Matthew and Pearl about being sold-out lovers of God and about them fathering nations, starting first in their local area. Papa asked them to lay down their current leadership positions in their local church to follow His vision for their lives. The two of them said Yes, unequivocally. And the ministry has grown and blossomed since.

The Glory Company is all about the Father’s Business. It has always been a part of the ministry’s mission to see people saved, healed, and delivered, using any tools at their disposal, such as, prophecy, laying on of hands, worship, the Bethel Sozo prayer tools, or however the Father leads during a session.

After nearly 10 years of hosting Friday night Glory School church, hosting  Glory Party worship events and annual Tomorrow People conferences, and speaking at or performing worship at other ministry’s events, Papa God asked Glory Company to go on a season of sabbatical.

During this sabbatical time, Matthew and Pearl have had a time to regroup with Papa God, write, record and mix new worship albums, mentor people and groups and conferences both in person and online. Glory Company has been given a new lease on life, returning to the humble roots of  honouring God and inviting the intoxicating, joyful glory atmosphere of heaven, which opens up the mystic realm to people and encourages them to simply enjoy God for who He is. Both Matthew and Pearl have written books during this time, which they hope to publish and release soon.

Glory Company’s vision is to see people released and freed from the trappings of religion and into the freedom of a life with Christ. We encourage people to live in constant awareness of His presence, and to remain in perpetual conversation with the members of the Trinity; to stop accepting the mundane as their portion and to embrace a supernatural lifestyle instead; and to realise that the mystic realm is open to them all the time and that by simple faith they can enter into this realm, and in this place of rest, discover their true identities in Christ.

We want people to experience God in all His glory all the days of their lives. We are born for glory. Jesus died to restore us to glory. We are made to carry the glory.

His glory is our portion. 

Be delivered. Be encouraged. Be empowered.

Glory Company