We Belong

We Belong is Glory Company’s 3rd album, released August 6th 2016 for worldwide digital download sales and print on demand services, and just in time for Tomorrow People 2016.

This is the live worship from the night of our February 2016 Glory Party. It is live, rough, raw, complete with a few bum notes, but it is real, heartfelt devotional to the Father, Son and Spirit. 

Most of the songs you hear did not exist before the night, but were either created on the night, or in the case of our experimenting with Ableton loops on the first few tracks, were simply several nice musical loops that seemed to fit well together, but were spontaneously laid out as we worshipped, complete with the rest of the live music and vocals that we layered over the loops. 

All we did was mix and master.

This was for ages Glory Company’s favourite album, with the electronic loops blending in so perfectly with the normal live set material. And, of course, starting off with one of the best live recordings of Yod Hey Vav Hey, a signature tune of Glory Company at several conferences and David’s Tent performances. From the raw energy of Yod Hey Vav Hey, to the majestic Oh Ye Gates, and then into the happy sounds of Happy Place, the album is a wonderful journey through mystery and joy, intimacy and bliss. Two Hearts came out of the final bars of Happy Place, and then segued into a raucous bit of prophetic intercessory music until Pearl grabbed an amazing almost punk rock and roll lyric from the thin air.

Made in God’s Image was a pre-prepared Ableton loops song, but the melody and lyrics came to Matthew on the night. And the final song, the titular track of We Belong, was actually supposed to only be a middle 8 break for Made In God’s Image, but beautifully became an amazing song in its own right, thanks to the ever listening prophetic ear of Pearl, hearing Heaven’s melodies for the night. We belong, beautifully finished the Hebraic circle back to Yod Hey Vav Hey, with it’s line “You belong to the King!”

We think that it is a perfect album.

We hope you enjoy.


released August 6, 2016 

Matthew Nagy: Acoustic, Bass, Loops, Vocals 
Pearl Nagy: Vocals 
James Westbrook: Djembe 
James Hank: Guitars and BVs 
Jon Miles: Trumpet and Djembe 
Mystic Dan Page: Guitar, Bass and BVs

The album is also available through our Bandcamp page, iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Google Music, Spotify, and most of the digital download music stores worldwide.



We Belong at Bandcamp

We Belong at iTunes/Google/Amazon

Or listen for free on YouTube on our Topic Channel:

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