Rest in the Blood

Hi Guys

Matt’s done a little video about the Quarantine. Hopefully we’ll make these weekly.


In these strange, recent times, we have a choice to make: believe the news reports or believe the reports from our Father… With Passover coming up, we remind ourselves to celebrate the fact that the angel of death passed over all those whose houses were covered by the blood of the lamb. Are you covered? Are you resting in the Truth of our Father? Come and enter into His rest, and be at rest in your faith that God is still in control, and He will use even the Covid-19 to show the world how good He truly is.

Oils Meet

Hey Guys

We have been SOO fabulously busy with Papa and events and Glory Parties and away stuff. Just got back from 3-day conference with Company of Burning Hearts in Cardiff for the Ian Clayton Days of Wonder event. It was off the charts fabulous! Love all the different DNAs mingling together at that conference, people secure enough to drink from each other’s wells without feeling threatened at different belief systems. True Culture of Honour!

But it means we have been remiss in not letting you know that there IS NOT a Glory Party in August! We’re having a break, back in September on Saturday the 21st for the next one!


Instead, Wisdoms of Pearl is hosting a Young Living Oils meeting from 6-8pm at the Horsham Salvation Army Hall on Saturday August 17th, for any and all who are interested in learning more about the use of therapeutic grade essential oils for health and wellness. There will be several short sessions to teach about the oils, different ways to use them, their health benefits, the science behind them, and how to get them wholesale.

More details are available on Wisdoms of Pearl on Facebook, or here on the event page: YLOils Meeting

The meeting is free and open to any and all, so come along if you’re interested and feel free to invite others.

We’ll be blogging again soon. Papa’s laid so much on our hearts. And there are some new podcasts to finish off too. As well as music to release from the upcoming first GloCo album, now officially titled Dinky Donkey. Oh what Joy!

Love you and miss you and keeping you in our hearts.


Matt and Pearl
